Lake Maxinkuckee Trails

The idea of having a publicly available trail system around Lake Maxinkuckee is certainly not a new one.  Efforts have been made at the local level dating at least back to the 1970’s, likely even further, but up until recently, there had not been significant progress in terms of construction and funding.  

In 2017, as a way of showing support for the Town of Culver’s Stellar Communities application and the desire to promote regional collaboration for transformation projects, the Marshall County Commissioners committed to providing an in-kind match to pave the first stretch of trail through Culver Park and Culver Academies property along an old railroad bed.  The commitment was completed in 2018 by the Marshall County Highway Department, and when combined with a Culver Redevelopment Commission project around the Beach Lodge completed in 2019, we saw Phase 1 of Lake Maxinkuckee Trails completed last year.  The trail is an 8-10 feet wide, a mix of concrete and asphalt, and is intended for multi-modal recreational use, including biking, walking, jogging, skating, and rollerblading (no motorized vehicles are allowed), and is ADA compliant.  

Phase 1 of the trail connects the western edge of Culver Academies campus, through the old railroad bed area often referred to as “the old Indian Trails” here locally to Culver Park.  The trail runs east to west through the entirety of the park, currently ending at the west edge of the park on Washington Street.  This section of the trails is fully completed and accessible, including signage, benches, and a water fountain (with pet bowl!) in Culver Park near the beach lodge.


Phase 2 of the trail system was awarded funding in late 2017 as part of the Culver Stellar Communities Designation by the State of Indiana and will receive approximately $1,000,000 in federal transportation funding to design and construct this next full mile of trail.  This phase is currently in the final design stages as of June 2020 and is scheduled for construction in late summer or early fall of 2021.  Phase 2 will begin at the western edge of the park where Phase 1 currently ends at Washington Street, and run west and south, crossing just next to our downtown near Jefferson and Main Streets, following sections of Plymouth Street and Main Street for the bulk of the route.  This section will make an important connection to the south end of town, running through our downtown, and following along as near to the lake as possible, for occasional views of Lake Maxinkuckee along the way, and adding a full mile of trails to the system.

Phase 3 has also been funded by INDOT in the 2018 round of local projects and is currently in the early design phase.  It is scheduled for construction in fall of 2023.  This phase also will also receive approximately $1,000,000 in federal funding and cover approximately 1 mile.  This section will begin at the north end of Phase 1, near town limits at Academy Road, and full east and north along Academy Road and the edge of campus, before heading east along State Road 10 to near the intersection with State Road 17, following along the border of Culver Academies campus.  It will consist of a mix of concrete, asphalt, and a small section of dedicated bike lane and sidewalk where appropriate.  When completed, Phases 1-3 will be an interconnected multi-modal trail connecting Culver Academies with the park, beach, downtown, and the southern end of Culver, stretching from one end of town to the other.

Also scheduled for construction in spring 2021 is the West Jefferson Gateway project, which will include street, lighting, and trail improvements from West Jefferson and town limits, headed east to Slate Street.  This will also include an 8-10 feet wide concrete trail separated from the street.  We have also been awarded funding for a Slate and Cass Street trail project this year, that will connect the Jefferson Street trail with Lake Maxinkuckee Trail Phase 2, creating an east west and north south connection running throughout the town of Culver when completed.  While not completed yet, these projects have all been awarded necessary federal funds and the Culver Town Council or Redevelopment Commission has provided the local match.  

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This investment and enthusiasm for trails in Culver was evident in the 2014 Culver Comprehensive Plan, and was put on paper in the town’s 2017 Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan, as well as our participation in the Marshall County Bike and Pedestrian Trail Plan currently being finalized, and was instrumental in our recent national recognition as a Walk Friendly Community in 2020.  It has been amazing to see the funding we have been able to attract and the number of families we already see on the trails, and I can’t wait to see the system built out all through town, and hope to see it one day provide a safe way to travel by bike or on foot all the way around Lake Maxinkuckee.

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